Aphonia Lemon with baking This simple remedy with lemon and baking soda is very effective against hoarseness. Ingredients 1 lemon Bicarbonate Preparation It starts the lemon into 4 pieces and smeared in baking. Use Eating lemon wedges, if unpleasant can liquefy the fourth lemon and add a pinch of baking soda before taking it. NERVOUS EXHAUSTION Liquor dates Thanks to its high energy content, dates are a good remedy for nervous exhaustion, decay or abnormal growth of the children ... They can be eaten in abundance, they are very digestive. A good cognac, in its just measure, also can be good medicine for its vasodilating properties. And the vanilla, meanwhile, is an excellent nerve tonic. The liquor of dates, therefore, has all these properties, besides being an aphrodisiac, ie to stimulate sexuality. Ideal for nervous exhaustion, which also has a lot of physical. Ingredients 20 pitted dates 1 piece vanilla stick 1 bottle of brandy Preparation Put the piece dates and vanilla in a large jar and finish filling it with the contents of the bottle of cognac. Cover it well, taking care that it is tightly closed and store in a cool dark place. Then leave it to macerate for 40 days, stirring every 2 or 3. Use Drink in moderation when feeling down. A shot is a sufficient dose. Skin allergies - dermatitis - Redness Browse 3 C in ½ Elderflower l of boiling water. Boil a few seconds. Rest 1 minute. Hot, inhaling, to unclog the nose. Also very hot, apply to the skin with a cotton swab. ALLERGIES TO THE SUN - 10 days before the sun take 6 to 10 capsules a day of brewer's yeast. To avoid burns and enhance your tan. NOSE ALLERGIES - UNBLOCKING NOSE - Fill ¾ of a dropper of water with salt. Add 3 drops of lemon and 1 drop of essence of pine. Browse a dropper full in the nostril, breathing heavily while. POLLEN ALLERGY Radish juice Allergic rhinitis, hay fever or pollen allergy, with the three forms this condition is known as common as evidenced by the irritation and inflammation of nasal membranes, often accompanied by mucus, sneezing and irritated eyes up. This remedy takes away the mucus. Ingredients 4 tablespoons vinegar 1 cup water 1 jet radish juice A squeeze of lemon Preparation Have four ingredients mix well. Use Be made 4 cups a day for 5 days; vessels means if children are involved. ANEMIA Garlic soup The garlic soup is a very nutritious food. With this dish lifelong fight anemia. Ingredients (serves 4) Bread (2 slices per person if not smaller, 1 if large) 6 cloves garlic ½ cup oil ½ teaspoon paprika 2 liters of water Oil Sal Preparation It was a little crushed garlic and fry in oil. When you have a little golden bread is added and finally, paprika (someone also puts cumin), whether the fire so that does not burn. Then you add water and let it simmer for half an hour to simmer. Use Traditionally eaten for dinner, but any time is good. ANEMIA Rub with sherry and egg The anemic often feel cold for no apparent reason, especially in the feet and hands. This ancient remedy was used for heating. Ingredients ½ cup sherry 2 eggs Preparation Simply mix the two ingredients well. Use Dar rub this mixture on the back of anemic. ANEMIA Pumpkin Compote The pumpkin contains lots of vitamins and folic acid provides, whose absence also may be cause for anemia. Ingredients 1 liter of water A piece of pumpkin 1 apple 6 dried apricots A handful of currants Preparation We leave the pumpkin, which should be red or orange, in small small pieces and add to pot along with chopped apple, currants and dried apricots. Boiled in water for 15 minutes until we got a porridge, which we will crush with a fork. Water has to evaporate and purée thickened. Use Take it at breakfast and lunch for several days. ANEMIA - HIGH CHOLESTEROL Mexican Avocado Canapé This is a nutritious and digestive Mexican recipe with avocado. Ingredients 1 avocado 2 cloves garlic 3 or 4 drops of tabasco 1 dash of olive oil salt lemon juice Preparation Chop the avocado, reserves, and make a sauce with minced garlic and Tabasco, olive oil and a little salt and lemon. Next, mix the avocado with the sauce, all to get hammered textured puree. Swollen tonsils PREMENSTRUAL-PAIN Bag of sea salt This is an old remedy, very effective and simple. Ingredients Sea salt Preparation Warm sea salt and fill a cloth bag with her. Use In case of tonsillitis, put it in the child's neck and hold it with a scarf. The important thing is to avoid to be heat and steam from sea salt. If cramps, apply it to the sacrum and the area of English, at the height of the ovaries. TV Anorexia nervosa, bulimia Reconstituting from Venezuela This remedy is a tonic that helped the person who sent it from Venezuela to overcome anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Ingredients 2 egg yolks 12 cloves ½ liter of wine machine 1 stick of cinnamon 20 drops of essence of Marigold Preparation First, we beat the two egg yolks with a splash of wine to help the broken machine. Then we introduce it into a container, preferably opaque, and add cinnamon, marigold essence, the cloves and the rest of the wine machine. If the jar is not dark, cover it with a cloth and leave him 3 nights in the dew. Of course, during the day we picked in the shade, avoid getting sun. Use Every day should be taken three cups while the first bottle is finished, only two of the second, and lastly, a cup of the third bottle. ANXIETY - Boil 3 C oats in ¼ liter of water. Drinking a cup before each meal. - Take lettuce. Produce gases at night is not appropriate.

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